Demonstration Sample(For Anybody)

Demonstration Sample(For Anybody)

Demonstration Sample(For Anybody)

This a Demonstration Sample(For Anybody) at Suravi Digital Center (For Class, Conference, Seminar, Get Together & Meeting). Here we are presenting a demonstration to simulate real life experience in your requirement. 

Simple Architecture & How to Use it
Simple Architecture & How to Use it
How it is Better than Your Method ?
How it is Better than Your Method ?

Real Life Situation & Virtual Online Implementation

Real Life Situation:

In real life, meeting between Two or more Party takes place in any particular place for a particular purpose. 

What happens in this meeting?

Both Speaker & Audience exchange their view on the particular Topic.

A Successful Meeting between Speaker & Audience Results in a Successful Environment of Better Life & Society.

Now Speaker & Audience are happy with this Meeting between them. 

This is the Normal Activities Procedures (Less or More) of any  Meeting between Speaker & Audience. 

But what happens if for any reason Speaker & Audience could not meet at any particular place?  What is the Solution?

In that case we have the solution named as “Suravi Digital Center”. Look at this.

Virtual Online Implementation:

In case war or corona like situation or in case of inability to meet at one place it is necessary to join Our Virtual Meeting.

Speaker & Audience are in different place but connected to a Virtual Room, where all the activities are take place. 

Similarities & Difference:

Real Life Meeting

(Get together) 

Virtual Meeting

(Get together) 

Personally meeting of
Anybody (Speaker & Audience)
have no replacement.
No one can replace this. 
Virtual Meeting (for Get Together)  is NEED OF TIME. 

In War & Corona like Situation IT IS ESSENTIAL.

But in normal time also it will enhance our working culture if it is implemented with Personally Meeting.

How to Implement:

There are three Sections:

      • Pre-Virtual Meeting (Get Together):
      • Virtual Meeting (Get Together): 
      • Post Virtual Meeting (Get Together): 

Go there to know in detail. 

Let us study in detail.

Section 1: Pre Meeting Section

In Pre-Meeting Section:

In this section Host may provide all types of  materials (Textual, Image, Audio, Video ETC) required for Better study Prior to Meeting.

This section is very Important for both Host & Participant.

It is essential for warm up & to get efficient result from Meeting Section.

Section 2: (Online Live Virtual)Meeting Section

In Meeting Section:

In this section there are different tools for Online Live Virtual Meeting

Those may be:

      • Video Conferencing Tool
      • Webinar Tool
      • White Board
      •  Messaging or File Sharing Tool.

There may be use of one or more or all tool as par requirement & situation.


Video Conference Applications How to use it Note
Google Meet How to use Google Meet
Jio Meet How to use Jio Meet
Jitsi Meet 1 Jitsi Meet 2 How to use Jitsi Meet
Cisco WebEx How to use Cisco WebEx

Webinar Applications How to use it Note
Webinar Press How to use Webinar Press

Online White Board How to use it Note
Google Jamboard How to use Google Jamboard Note 

    • Use of Whatsapp 

Host (eg. Teachers) and Participants (eg. Students) can use available Whatsapp Number
(- - - - - - - - - -) to communicate each other and to sharing files, notes, images regarding online class subject. This is for Communication.

How to Use WhatsApp

Section 3: Post Meeting Section


Q & A:




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