Demonstration Sample(For Teacher & Student)

Demonstration Between Teacher & Student
Demonstration Between Teacher & Student

Demonstration Sample(For Teacher & Student)

Demonstration Sample(For Teacher & Student)

This a Demonstration Sample(For Teacher & Student) at Suravi Digital Center (For Class, Conference, Seminar, Get Together & Meeting). Here we are presenting a demonstration to simulate real life experience in your requirement. 

Simple Architecture & How to Use it
Simple Architecture & How to Use it
How it is Better than Your Method ?
How it is Better than Your Method ?

Real Life Situation & Virtual Online Implementation

Real Life Situation:

In real life there should be a Real Class Room Building with adequate(less or more) facilities .  

In Class Room, Teacher & his/her Students are engaged with different types of class activities. All the Activities are done in real life situation. Everybody can communicate with other naturally.

Virtual Online Implementation:

In case of Virtual Online Class there are also Teachers & Students with lots of facilities.  

There are also different mechanism to communicate with each other.

But all are not happened in a single closed room just like in real case.

In this case all the activities are in online/live/virtual manner.

All members are in different place but connected to a Virtual Room, where all the activities are take place. 

Similarities & Difference:

Real Life Traditional Class  Virtual Class
Physical classes are  in a particular place Virtual class are in Online and it is not a physical class.
Teacher & Students are present physically in the class room.   Teacher & Students are connected to each other via Virtual class although they are present in different place. 
In Real Life Traditional Class there are different types of Teaching Aids, Materials & Facilities.   In Virtual Class also there are different types of Teaching Aids, Materials & Facilities.  
There are different types of Teaching Activities in Real Life Traditional Class.  In Virtual Class also we can simulate all these Real-Class-Teaching-Activities.
We are all very well known to everything about Real Life Traditional Class.  We are  relatively unknown to Virtual Class and it’s mechanism, although it is not difficult. 
Despite different difficulties & drawbacks it is SUPERIOR to Any types of Alternate Class or Virtual Class.    Although REAL CLASS IS SUPERIOR, BUT in War & Corona Type Situation where Real Class could not happens, VIRTUAL CLASS IS THE NEED OF TIME. 
In Real Life Traditional Class also there are different types Methods of Teaching Mechanism.  In Virtual Class also there are different types Methods of Teaching Mechanism. 
Although Real Life Traditional Class is Superior. But It’s Success Rate is varied with different factor associated  with  Participant, Facilities & Teaching Mechanism Same thing is applied to Virtual Class Also. Success Rate is depend upon different factors associated with Participant, Facilities & Teaching Mechanism
Real Life Traditional Class Traditional Class is always be there. No one can replace this.  Virtual Class is NEED OF TIME. 

In War & Corona like Situation IT IS ESSENTIAL.

But in normal time also it will enhance our Teaching Standard if it is implemented with Real Class.


How to Implement:

There are three Sections:

      • Pre-Virtual Class:
      • Virtual Class: 
      • Post Virtual Class: 

Go there to know in detail. 

Demonstration Between Teacher & Student
Demonstration Between Teacher & Student

Let us study in detail.

Section 1: Pre Virtual Class Section

In Pre-Virtual Class Section:

In this section Teacher may provide all types of  study materials (Textual, Image, Audio, Video ETC) required for Better study Prior to Virtual Class.

This section is very Important for both Teacher & Students.

It is essential for warm up & to get efficient result from Virtual Class Section.

Section 2: (Online Live Virtual)Virtual Class Section

In Virtual Class Section:

This section will be used for

(i) Class for Understanding the Subject

(ii) Interaction with Students for Doubt Clearing

(iii) Verbal Q & A between Teacher & Students

(iv) And for Other Teaching Activities just like in Traditional Class.  

For these purposes there are different tools for Online Live Virtual Class.

Those may be:

      • Video Conferencing Tool
      • Webinar Tool
      • White Board
      •  Messaging or File Sharing Tool.

There may be use of one or more or all tool as par requirement & situation.


Video Conference Applications How to use it Note
Google Meet How to use Google Meet
Jio Meet How to use Jio Meet
Jitsi Meet 1 Jitsi Meet 2 How to use Jitsi Meet
Cisco WebEx How to use Cisco WebEx

Webinar Applications How to use it Note
Webinar Press How to use Webinar Press

Online White Board How to use it Note
Google Jamboard How to use Google Jamboard Note 

    • Use of Whatsapp 

Host (eg. Teachers) and Participants (eg. Students) can use available Whatsapp Number
(- - - - - - - - - -) to communicate each other and to sharing files, notes, images regarding online class subject. This is for Communication.

How to Use WhatsApp

Section 3: Post Virtual Class Section

Extra Study Material :

Skill Development:

Q & A:



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